I have been in London a little over two weeks now, and it really does seem like home. There are things that just seem natural now:
I get up each morning around 8, and--depending on who gets up first--make the French press coffee or dive right into it. I eat my bowl of porridge and head out to a day in Kingston or London. I head to the local Sainsburys for my groceries, I frequent Pret A Manger for lunch or coffee needs, and know that pretty much anytime I am in London I head toward Embankment, get on the Northern line to Waterloo and catch a train back to Kingston.
That doesn't mean that I have it down yet.
Although some things seem familiar, there is still so much I want to see, and some things I have seen that...I really didn't want to.
Things I have wanted to see: Hampton Court. Uh-Mazing. It's just so cool to see how things have been preserved through the years--to walk on cobblestones and wonder, "Did Henry VIII trip on this rock too?"
It's also extraordinary to see the lengths people took to prove themselves as royalty--and how far they separated themselves to do so. Some things, such as the extensive gardens and ornate paintings were fascinating and made me wish I had been in Henry VIII's court...but then again, things such as the separate dining table for royalty, formality, and enslavement of everyone in the court to the king...well, God bless America.
However, this palace was insane! So beautiful and well-preserved, I could have spent days exploring.
I am also learning while here in London (though I often forget about that part) and part of the learning includes visiting various media venues in London--one being BBC.
That tour was very interesting...though, it was a little out-shined by an afternoon at the Albert and Victoria museum and then a night walking the streets of the city of London on the Jack the Ripper walk. That day--I will never forget.
Days of rest are much needed. I have realized that while London is exciting, fun, exhilarating, and never-ending, there is nothing wrong with spending the day back in the dorm, doing laundry, reading, chatting on FB and taking little cat naps. Then following all this with a spaghetti and meatball dinner, chocolate cake, a walk down the Thames, and The Deathly Hallows Part 1--that's a good day too.
Don't be fooled by my flowery words and multiple uses of the exclamation point! I got smacked in the face by London one soggy Thursday at the Tower of London...or rather the back of my legs. We learned at the BBC that Londoners are very preoccupied with the weather, and now I know why. Regardless of weather, it is the Tower of London, and you can't not go! And once the weather changed for the better, we checked out West bank and little nuggets of history here and there, figured out modern art is weird, and then went to a recording of a BBC radio show Hot Gossip. Falafel at Gig's restaurant and one train ride back to Kingston, and that's a day folks!
Now, the past 3 days of this weekend have left me and Sonya to figure out the world of London on our own. Day 1 (Friday) we hang around Kingston, run, work on our paper, and eat a lovely dinner at the Vegetarian while figuring out the the Victorian is a rude pub that retorts things at you like, "Starbucks is around the corner"
Day 2, Portobello market, where a leather purse is bought, dresses tried on, and a new realization grasped about London fashion: all dresses are very short--if you are tall, buy leggings. The day is ended with Pret A Manger and an incredible cast of Chicago.
Day 3. St. Paul's church service in the morning, a discovery of the Inns of Court, a pretty park for lunch, a gravity defying display of art at the Barbican center, and then woahhh...where are we?
Memories. Stories. There is always a silver lining. This country girl is growing her city skin. I might need to borrow someone else's for a while though...
Again, there are things I don't want to see, but that is part of the world, is it not? Am I just supposed to wander through life like a tourist only looking for the posh, glossy, and high end? Or will I allow myself to face the grit sometime? Obviously that doesn't mean putting myself in compromising positions (mom, if you are reading this...) but it's almost like another revelation has hit me--aha! In this world, you can't hide the dirt, you have to face it.
Now chew on that little gristle. Cheers!
looks like so much fun. Cant wait to hear all your stories when you get back. But my main question is: Have you seen harry potter yet???