So I find myself frequently packing up everything I could possibly need for the day and shoving it all in the back of my now well-traveled Toyota Camry. I'm convinced there has to be an award for being able grab a bag, pack your essentials, and be on the road in five minutes without prior notice. As I've traversed up and down I-35 and into the tiny little cracks of small town Oklahoma I've learned there are some essentials you truly should never be without.
1.) Water
This seems like a duh! scenario but I can't tell you how many times I thought, "Oh I'll just buy water there...they take cards right?" Now that I'm somewhat comfortable with the reporter lifestyle I'll share one important rule of thumb: never, ever assume there will be water. Assume this and suffer four hours of dehydration.
2.) Car Charger
I am a little ashamed about this one. Again, you would think that after spending so much time in a motor vehicle I would understand that not having a car charger on a road trip is like not bringing extra oxygen to climb Mt. Everest. The battery will run out right before your interview and all your interview questions will die with it. Not to mention your navigation out of said small town.
3.) Snacks...without chocolate
After my last grocery store trip I was so proud of myself for the stash of nuts and granola bars I remembered to stick in my car console. It helps calm the late night hysteria when the last time you ate was at noon and you must travel back home facing an army of fast food options (or for me...anything with ice cream).
Beware of the chocolate!
Unless it's snowpocalypse season you will grab that granola bar and open it up to a sleeve-filled mess if you are swayed by the chocolate covered chewy bar rather than the less appealing fruit leather.
4.) Multiple Pairs of Sunglasses
Because if you travel west at any point past 5 p.m. in the heartland, your eyes will burn.
5.) Mints
A habit I've recently picked up--I used to be a gum fanatic but recently realized the value of a mint. It erases evidence of your lunch on-the-go but without the need for disposal, and honestly, who actually enjoys those Listerine strips anyway? Blegh!
6.) Chapstick
I've recently stumbled upon a breed of humans who claim they never need chapstick because they never used it and are thus, not addicted. Well for us normal humans, to avoid hours of your mouth feeling like it's about to burn off, buy a pack, stick it in your car, and never take it out.
7.) Jackets/Blankets/Socks/Gloves
We're moving into the "potential for cold" season as we call it here in Oklahoma and to a former Texas girl there is nothing worse than being cold. I recently discovered as I filmed a high school football game last week that the gusty OK winds can transform into winter gales within hours, leaving you with nothing but a sweatshirt and raincoat to combat the chill. In the future, I plan to be prepared, and I would urge you to learn from my mistake.
8.) Bobby pins
You laugh, but a girl needs her bobby pins. They are what keep her culturally acceptable when everything about her hair screams, "Take me away!." Thankfully I have purposefully and accidentally scattered hundreds of these little guys throughout my car. If I closed my eyes and put my hands on the floor, chances are I'd snag a bobby pin. And that's a really good thing.
Don't forget to adventure today!
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